As you may have noticed, exterior house painting is a service for which Jeffrey Willette Exterior Remodeling has become well-known in the Brockton area. Homeowners who have noticed that harsh weather and the hands of time have started to take a toll on their home’s exterior may assume that a complete siding replacement is the only way to start fresh. While we could love the opportunity to install or replace your home siding, we’ll be the first to tell you that all all-or-nothing solution doesn’t necessarily apply here.

Yes, Houses With Siding Can Be Painted Too!

Even if your home is already covered with vinyl or wood siding, exterior house painting could be a great way to not only enhance its appearance but increase the protective-impact that siding has on your home. Whether you’ve simply become bored with the color that was chosen when the siding was installed or you’re looking for a way to give your home an extra layer of protection against the harsh environment, our professional painters are ready to help.

Why Choose Exterior House Painting?

As promised, here are some of the biggest reasons exterior house painting is a smart idea–whether you’ve owned your home for one year or 10!

Protect Against Winter Storms – It’s no secret that Massachusetts experiences some brutal winter weather. Between the extreme temperatures, precipitation, and the salt that gets kicked up from the street, winter takes its toll on your home’s exterior. A fresh coat of exterior paint provides an extra layer of insulation between your siding and Old Man Winter’s worst.

Avoid Termite Damage – Calling the exterminator isn’t the only way to protect your Massachusetts home from termite damage. A fresh coat of paint helps to seal off exposed areas of wood that can provide a tasty treat for termites and other wood-boring insects.

Extend The Lifespan Of Your Siding – Yes, you read that right! Exterior home painting can help to delay the need to replace your siding by covering up signs of wear from weather and sunlight exposure.

Increase Curb Appeal – Plan to sell your Brockton home in the next two to five years? A fresh coat of exterior paint is like waxing your car: it brightens what was there, making it more appealing for the eyes of would-be home buyers.

Prevent Structural Breakdown – Without the protective action of exterior paint, mold and mildew can quickly break down the structural integrity of wood siding and framing. By painting trim, porch railings, stair cases, and even siding on a regular basis, you can prevent the softening, swelling, and decay that come along with exposure to water and dew.

Reduce Splinters! – Tired of catching splinters in your hands and feet every time you walk out onto your wood deck? A coat of exterior paint can make these surfaces safe for you to enjoy in your feet again!

Jeffrey Willette Provides High-Quality Exterior House Painting Services

If you’re interested in gaining any of the above benefits for your own  home, contact the painting contractors at Jeffrey Willette Exterior Remodeling today! We’d be happy to come out to your home for FREE and provide a quote for exterior house painting.

Meta: Exterior home painting does more than just change your house’s color. Contact the painting professionals at Jeffrey Willette Exterior Remodeling now.

Title Tag: Exterior Home Painting Brockton: 6 Unexpected Benefits

Tags: residential exterior painting, painting contractors, exterior painters, exterior house painters, professional painter, exterior home painting, house painting services